Life At Ten Retired

On Saturday at Belmont, Life At Ten finished last by almost 21 lengths in the race that she won last year by two. She was part of what made that Belmont Saturday super in 2010, and that Beldame was the last time she was in the winner’s circle. I’m sure that I saw Life At…

Christmas Eve quick picks

It’s 7:30 am, and I’m already behind. Not a single present is wrapped, and in fact, there are a couple still to be purchased…and located, so efficiently did I store the few that I’d purchased early. Christmas cards? Ha!  Holiday cards this year – New Year’s, or maybe even Valentine’s Day. But the caponata is…

Migliore on Life At Ten

During a career that spanned three decades, Richard Migliore got to sit on a lot of classy horses. Last night at the Parting Glass’s monthly racing meeting (always open to the public), at which Migliore was the featured guest, the jockey was asked to name some of the more memorable horses he’d ridden.  He named…